Art of Music Piano Studio
An experienced piano teacher and former Russian concert pianist, now accepting students of all ages and skill levels.
Programs Tailor Made for All Needs

Studio Policies
Schedule: Piano lessons are given on a weekly basis, 11 out of 12 months of the year. Lessons will not be held on Thanksgiving Day and December 24th through January 1st. Students may have up to a one-month summer vacation (to accommodate individual vacation plans). Students who miss summer lessons will get make-up lessons during September – October, at the teacher’s discretion.
Note: If the student chooses to leave the studio, a three week advance notice is required.
Lessons: Lessons that are missed because of the student’s problems are made up at the teacher’s discretion and ONLY with 24-hour advance notice. In severe weather, lessons may be rescheduled. Lessons that are missed due to the teacher’s problems will be rescheduled at the student’s convenience.
Practice: To achieve best results, students should practice 6 days per week. The length of time for practice should be as much as is needed to prepare for the assignment. Parents can contribute by helping to set a definite time of day reserved for piano practice. Unless ill, students are expected to attend all the lessons, even if there has been little practice done. Homework, sports and entertainment are not considered valid excuses for absences. Parents are welcome to be present at lessons and/or discuss matters over the phone.
Materials: The teacher, most of the time, will provide materials such as sheet music. When necessary, suggested books and materials should be purchased by the student.